~If you feel the Lord has blessed you with an ability to communicate His truths to young people….We need you!!!
~If you are a teacher by profession and would like to share your faith with our young people…..We need you!!
~If you are not a teacher by profession and would like to share your faith with our young people…we will give you the formation and tools needed because….We need you!!
~If you can listen to a child’s prayers during class….We need you!!
~If you are a person of prayer……We need you!!
~If you are a person in touch with the God who directs our ministry……We need you!!
Please consider how you might answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus by sharing your faith with our parish children.
All volunteers must take part in the safe environment requirements. Click here for these requirements and volunteer form. For more information or to serve in this ministry, please call the Religious Education Office at 954-742-7742 or email
Let the catechists tell you themselves! Below are some anonymous reflections from catechists on favorite moments from their ministry.
“My favorite memory as a catechist is seeing the 8th graders make their Confirmation. To see how much they have grown in the months that I first met them, how much they have learned and enjoyed the classes. They learned that ‘religion doesn't have to be boring.’”
“The best part of being a catechist is helping kids/teens see how relevant Jesus really is.”
“The best part of being a catechist is watching students encounter the living God in unexpected ways. As I watched their lives change, I changed, too.”
Do you have a deep love of Christ, the Church and your faith? Consider being a catechist! You don’t need to know every detail of your faith — part of being a catechist involves openness to learning as you teach. As a catechist, you make a weekly commitment to guide a class from mid‐September through mid‐April. Catechists volunteer to teach 1st through 12th grade. Classes are on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
As a catechist, you will receive a schedule for the year, which will help you plan when to teach which lesson. You will also receive the catechist’s version of the text book, which suggests activities and gives tips on how to plan your lesson. Catechists are responsible for planning and presenting weekly lessons. When you make the commitment to guide a class through the year, we make the commitment to support you in your ministry.
The role of a catechist assistant is to offer classroom management support to the catechist. The assistant will often help work with a child who needs extra assistance or help the catechist in a classroom activity. The assistant typically does not help prepare lessons, unless the catechists and the assistant make some prior arrangement for him/her to do so.